Quick Tips To Help You Save Energy On Every Load Of Laundry

Did you know that switching your temperature setting from hot to warm can cut energy use in half? With these tips, you’ll be able to start saving energy on every load.

Run a full load
Washers use about the same amount of energy regardless of the size of the load, so run full loads whenever possible. If you need to run a smaller load, take advantage of the washer’s small load setting to use less water.

Let the sun do the drying
When the weather’s nice, consider hanging your clothes outside to let the sun do the drying. Not only does this save energy, it also helps your clothes last longer. If you’re concerned about your neighbor seeing that old t-shirt you’re embarrassed you still have, set up a stand-alone drying rack inside.

Use cold water
Almost all of the energy consumed by your washing machine is used simply to heat the water, so switch the temperature from hot to warm to cut down your energy use. For even more savings, switch to cold water, which uses less energy and still gets your clothes clean (unless you’re dealing with oily stains).

Clean the filter
Clean the lint filter after each use to improve air circulation and cut down on the dry time. If you use dryer sheets, they can leave a film on your filter that reduces air flow, so be sure to also scrub it clean once a month.

Re-use towels
The towel you use to dry-off when you’re freshly clean from a shower doesn’t need to be washed after each use, so hang it up and use it a few more times instead. When you do wash your towels, dry them separately from lighter-weight clothes, which dry faster than those heavier cottons.

Don’t over dry
Be sure to use the auto-dry setting on your dryer so it doesn’t continue to run after your clothes are fully dry. For even more energy savings, dry your clothes in back-to-back loads to take advantage the heat still in the dryer from your previous load.

Look for long-term savings
If you don’t already have an ENERGY STAR® washer and dryer, it may be time to think about replacing them. An energy-efficient washing machine can save you over 3,000 gallons of water every year and an energy-efficient dryer uses 20% less energy. They also have a larger capacity, which means you can do fewer loads to clean the same amount of laundry. If you are ready to make the switch, keep in mind the available rebates for an energy-efficient model.

Once you’ve made your laundry room more energy-efficient,  see how you can save energy in your kitchen!

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