Illinois Commerce Commission Installer Certification

Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) Energy Efficiency Installer Certification Requirements

Illinois legislation requires contractors who are installing certain measures for energy efficiency programs in Illinois to be certified by the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC). ICC certified contractors must renew their certification each year.

Please refer to the information and instructions below to fulfill the Installer Certification and Recertification requirements.

First-Time Installer Certification

  • Installer certification went into full effect Jan. 1, 2018.
  • This requirement applies to the following energy efficiency measure criteria:
    • Any measure that requires an electrical connection
    • Any measure that will receive an incentive greater than $300
  • Certified installers agree to comply with building and electrical codes and manufacturer’s installation instructions.
  • Certification is only required when applicable measures are installed by a third-party external contractor; self-installed measures (those installed by an internal employee or staff member) are excluded from the certification requirement.
  • If certification is required, incentives cannot be paid by the Program unless a certified installer is used. The Program must wait for confirmation of Program Ally certification before issuing payment to the Program Ally or the customer.
  • Company will need to be re-certified annually with the Illinois Commerce Commission.

The Installer Certification Application is available online through the Illinois Commerce Commission. The ICC will provide you with step-by-step instructions as you complete the application. Click the button below to get started.

Installer Recertification

The Illinois Commerce Commission requires all Certified Installers to renew their certifications by June 1 annually. There is no cost to renew, but there are late fees from $100 – $1,000 for missing the renewal due date. Please refer to our Installer Recertification Guide Video to determine where you stand as well as next steps.

To view your current ICC Installer Certification listing, visit the ICC’s Energy Efficiency Measures Installer webpage HERE.

Have Questions?

For more information about the Illinois Commerce Commission Installer Certification, please contact us via phone or email.