
Educational facilities can leverage financial incentives from Ameren Illinois to identify and implement a wide range of energy-saving projects.

Energy efficiency is an elementary idea that is taking root in schools throughout Illinois — and for good reason! Besides conserving valuable resources, energy efficiency upgrades provide a more comfortable and safer environment for our most precious resource… our kids.

From public K-12 schools to colleges, universities and beyond, educational facilities of all kinds can benefit from energy efficiency improvements. Simple, low-cost upgrades can lower your operating and maintenance costs year after year, while creating a safer, more comfortable and productive learning environment.

Financial Incentives for Energy Efficiency

Ameren Illinois offers a wide range of financial incentives for energy efficiency projects at schools and other education facilities:

Get Started Today!

To learn how your facility can benefit from financial incentives for energy-saving projects, request a FREE Energy Consultation with an Energy Advisor.

Public Schools Carbon-Free Assessment (PSCFA) Program

Public K-12 schools may qualify for a FREE Carbon-Free Assessment to help identify measures to move school districts toward carbon-free energy use by 2030. Click below to learn how your school district can take the first step toward a healthier environment for future generations.

Real Results

Not Sure Where to Start?

Request a FREE Energy Consultation to take your next step in saving energy and money.

Questions? Call 1.866.800.0747 or email