Educational facilities can leverage financial incentives from Ameren Illinois to identify and implement a wide range of energy-saving projects.
Energy efficiency is an elementary idea that is taking root in schools throughout Illinois — and for good reason! Besides conserving valuable resources, energy efficiency upgrades provide a more comfortable and safer environment for our most precious resource… our kids.
From public K-12 schools to colleges, universities and beyond, educational facilities of all kinds can benefit from energy efficiency improvements. Simple, low-cost upgrades can lower your operating and maintenance costs year after year, while creating a safer, more comfortable and productive learning environment.
Financial Incentives for Energy Efficiency
Ameren Illinois offers a wide range of financial incentives for energy efficiency projects at schools and other education facilities:
Get Started Today!
To learn how your facility can benefit from financial incentives for energy-saving projects, request a FREE Energy Consultation with an Energy Advisor.
Public Schools Carbon-Free Assessment (PSCFA) Program
Public K-12 schools may qualify for a FREE Carbon-Free Assessment to help identify measures to move school districts toward carbon-free energy use by 2030. Click below to learn how your school district can take the first step toward a healthier environment for future generations.
Real Results
Illinois School District Rockets To Energy Savings
In 2012, when the West Washington County School District opened...
Parkland College Achieves Higher Degrees of Efficiency
Since opening its doors a half century ago, more than...
East St. Louis High School
An “A” For Efficiency: School District Saves With Strategic Energy Management
From Pre-K through high school, Champaign Unit #4 School District...
When Less Is More: Tankless Water Heaters Deliver Savings To School District
It takes a lot of energy to run a school...
Cahokia School District Seals In Savings With Building Envelope Upgrades
As buildings grow older and budgets shrink, many school districts...
Not Sure Where to Start?
Request a FREE Energy Consultation to take your next step in saving energy and money.
Questions? Call 1.866.800.0747 or email