When School Is Out for Summer, Cash In on Energy Efficiency
From the courthouse downtown to the ballpark on the edge of town, municipalities and government properties use a great deal of energy. With rising costs and ever-increasing demand on the grid, energy efficiency is not just a good idea; it is an essential cost-saving measure for communities large and small.
By implementing equipment upgrades and other energy-saving projects, you can lower your operating and maintenance costs year over year, while providing a safer, more enjoyable environment for guests, employees and the public.
Project ideas
Here are some ideas to help you take advantage of this bonus. Click on the icons for more details or to download the necessary paperwork:
Heating and Cooling
Variable Frequency Drive
Steam Systems and Boilers
Demand Controlled Ventilation
Custom Projects
Public School Carbon-Free Assessment (PSCFA) Program
Public K-12 schools may qualify for a FREE Carbon-Free Assessment to help identify measures to move school districts toward carbon-free energy use by 2030.
Click the link below to learn how your school district can take the first step to take toward a healthier environment for future generations.