by Celeste Huttes

The Ameren Illinois Energy Efficiency Program offers non-residential customers free energy modeling for new construction.
Whether you’re building your dream home or a new commercial facility, hundreds — if not thousands — of decisions must be made before you ever break ground. With energy efficiency a growing priority on many building projects, the decision tree often feels more like a forest.
Energy modeling during the design process helps you navigate those decisions to lower future energy costs, enhance comfort and safety, and avoid costly retrofits down the road.
To help customers construct more energy-efficient buildings, the Ameren Illinois Energy Efficiency Program is partnering with Willdan to offer free energy modeling assistance. Joel Logan, a Professional Engineer at Willdan, answers frequently asked questions about the energy modeling process and payoffs.

Joel Logan, PE
Joel Logan, PE, is a program manager with Willdan, a nationwide engineering and energy company helping communities transition to clean energy and a sustainable future. He has 18 years of experience of working with architects, engineers, and building owners to design and operate high performance buildings. Mr. Logan received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in mechanical engineering from Iowa State University.
What is energy modeling and how does it work?
Energy modeling is a risk-free way to “try on” different energy-efficiency measures to see which are the best fit for your project. Energy modeling takes into account an array of factors — building size, local weather, construction materials, lighting, HVAC and occupancy schedules, for example — to estimate energy use and cost under different scenarios.
At Willdan, we use sophisticated software to help you sift through hundreds of design options in seconds. Our integrated system also evaluates the interactive effect between various upgrades. For example, high-efficiency LED lighting produces less heat than conventional lighting. This, in turn, will impact demand on the HVAC system.
Energy modeling compares a building’s “energy use intensity,” or EUI, under different scenarios to assess the energy efficiency of proposed upgrades. EUI is the amount of energy used per square foot of space per year. The smaller a building’s EUI, the more efficient it is.
How much can building owners save through energy modeling?
On average, Willdan’s proven energy modeling process helps customers achieve a 30 percent reduction in energy costs compared to minimal code compliance. That can add up to millions of dollars over the life of a building.
In addition, the energy modeling process can connect you with utility and other incentives to reduce the cost to install high-efficiency equipment that will lower energy bills for years to come.
Can you provide some examples?
Sure. A municipality in west central Illinois recently incorporated energy modeling into its design for a new community recreation center. The process helped the city go above code to improve the A/C system, windows, lighting and water heater. We even identified efficiency gains for the elevator. Thanks to energy modeling, the city was able to reduce the building’s annual energy costs by $17,000 and reduce the project’s EUI by 24 percent.
A school district in central Illinois used energy modeling in planning a new elementary school. By identifying cost-effective improvements in the boiler, cooling system, windows, insulation, and interior and exterior lighting, the school district created $7,600 in annual energy cost savings and reduced the project’s EUI by 17 percent.
What are some other benefits of energy modeling?
Every building project has goals, as well as financial and time constraints. That means trade-offs must be made. Energy modeling answers “what if” questions in real time so building owners can strike a balance between energy efficiency, cost and comfort.
Whether your project goal is LEED certification, decarbonization or strictly cost reduction, energy modeling pinpoints the strategies that will have the biggest impact on meeting your goal.
Does the adage “better late than never” apply to energy modeling?
Energy modeling is worthwhile at any point in the design process. That being said, you will generally reap the most benefit if you engage in energy modeling early in the design process when major decisions, such as HVAC equipment, must be made. Early engagement with energy modeling helps you maximize your building’s energy efficiency and minimize costly retrofits or design changes down the road.
What energy modeling assistance does The Ameren Illinois Energy Efficiency Program offer?
As part of its Commercial New Construction (CNC) offering, Ameren Illinois is partnering with Willdan to offer a two-part incentive to business (non-residential) customers:
- Complimentary Energy Design Assistance – At no charge to the customer, an expert from Willdan will meet with your design team to tailor an energy analysis model to meet your project’s particular needs, goals and budget – in real time.
- Design Team Incentive – To encourage design team participation, Ameren Illinois offers a small stipend to offset the costs of design team time associated with program participation.
Does my project qualify for energy modeling assistance?
To qualify, participating projects must be located in the Ameren Illinois service territory and involve new construction, building addition(s), or a major renovation with replacement of at least two major systems, including mechanical and lighting systems.
What can I expect if I work with The Ameren Illinois Energy Efficiency Program and Willdan?
First and foremost, our process is customer-driven and guided by the goals and interests specific to your project. You will typically be involved in two standard meetings (more if needed):
- In our Preliminary Analysis, we will discuss project scope, energy goals, timeline, next steps and gather information for the modeling process. Different goals lead you down different paths, so it’s important that energy-related goals for the project are clearly defined in this stage.
- In our Final Analysis, we will review Willdan’s report, which includes whole building results, as well as a breakdown of different strategies and their individual impact on energy usage. We will also provide information on incentives that could make specific measures more affordable.
This Ameren Illinois process is not prescriptive — it’s meant to be a dialogue. We will focus on the areas your project team is most interested in.
Once my building design is finalized, what utility incentives are available to help fund the purchase of energy-efficient equipment?
The Ameren Illinois Energy Efficiency Program offers a variety of incentives for new construction projects to defray the costs of purchasing energy-efficient equipment, including:
- High-performance LED lighting
- HVAC system upgrades & controls
- Specialty equipment (hospitality, industrial, refrigeration, agriculture)
- Custom projects unique to your facility or building
What kinds of businesses are good candidates for energy modeling?
Regardless of the size, any business, multifamily property, municipality or non-profit organization can benefit from energy modeling when planning new construction, a building addition or major renovation.
What are some common misconceptions about energy-efficient building design?
Many people assume that extensive energy efficiency regulations apply to new construction, but that is generally not the case. In Illinois, there is a very basic energy code that provides minimum energy efficiency building requirements. Our program looks at anything above this baseline to take energy efficiency to the next level.
Another common misperception is that energy-efficient buildings are far more expensive to build, but this is simply not the case. According to the Department of Energy, “energy-efficient buildings are not significantly more expensive to build than their conventional counterparts — some can even be cheaper to build.”
What do you most want Ameren Illinois customers to know about energy modeling and design assistance?
The Ameren Illinois Energy Efficiency Program is offering a rare opportunity to leverage a proven process at no cost or risk. The time you take today to incorporate energy efficiency into your design will save money for years to come. The earlier you model, the more you can save.
How can Ameren Illinois business customers learn more?
Ameren Illinois business customers can call 1.866.800.0747 or visit to learn more or request a free energy consultation.