Making Your Home More Energy-Efficient With Upgrades

Save money and energy at home by choosing energy-efficient appliances and electronics to reduce energy usage and improve comfort.

ENERGY STAR certified dryers use about 20% less energy than conventional models without sacrificing features or performance. They do this using innovative energy-saving technologies, such as moisture sensors that detect when clothes are dry and automatically shut the dryer off.

Did you know that the average American family washes about 300 loads of laundry each year? That’s a lot of suds, but that can also mean a lot of savings! ENERGY STAR certified washers use about 25% less energy and 45% less water than other washers.

Clean your dishes while cleaning up your energy bills. ENERGY STAR certified dishwashers use advanced technology to get your dishes clean while using less water and energy. These certified models include several innovations that reduce energy, including soil sensors, improved water filtration, more efficient water jets and innovative dish rack designs.

Do you know how old your refrigerator is? More than 60 million refrigerators in the United States are over 10 years old, costing consumers $4.4 billion a year in energy costs. Recycling your old refrigerator and replacing it with a new ENERGY STAR certified refrigerator can save you more than $270 over the next five years! (And don’t forget — you can recycle your old, energy-wasting refrigerator and get a $50 rebate from Ameren Illinois.  Learn more .)

Heat pumps
ENERGY STAR certified heat pumps offer an energy-efficient alternative to furnaces and air conditioners. In warmer weather heat pumps move heat from the cool outdoors into your warm house, and in cooler weather heat pumps move heat from your cool house into the warm outdoors.

ENERGY STAR certified heat pumps can reduce your electricity use for heating by approximately 50% compared to electric resistance heating such as furnaces and baseboard heaters. These high-efficiency heat pumps also dehumidify better than standard central air conditioners, meaning less energy usage and more cooling comfort in summer months. We have multiple replacement offers at Ameren Illinois, like early retirement and standard replacement.  Click here  to learn about all of our incentive offers.

Don’t freeze out energy savings! A chest freezer is usually more energy efficient since the door opens from the top and allows less cold air to escape, while manual defrost freezers use half the energy of automatic defrost models.

Air conditioners
ENERGY STAR certified central air conditioners have higher seasonal energy efficiency ratio and energy efficiency ratio ratings, and use 8% less energy than conventional new models. (And did you know the only way to ensure that your new air conditioner performs at its rated efficiency is to replace your heating system at the same time?) Ameren Illinois’ energy efficiency programs provide discounts and incentives that can help save you hundreds of dollars on energy-efficient products and improvements. Learn more  here  about cooling incentives.

Water heater
Did you know that water heaters are the second-highest source of energy usage in the home? ENERGY STAR certified water heaters make energy savings easy while improving performance and reliability. They use less energy than standard models, helping you save money on your energy bills.
It just takes one step to start mastering energy efficiency. Visit our  Energy Savings Center  for even more ideas for your next big savings opportunity!

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